
I have water in my subfloor or cellar?

Clean and Maintain Gulleys and downspouts   Cleaning your gutters and maintaining your downspouts may not be your first thought when your subfloo...

Is your House / Cellar Flooded

If you can see water in your sub floor or cellar we now rent pumps direct to users we have vehicles on the road with pumps on boards so if you need...

How do I know if my garden needs drainage

Some obvious signs of a poorly draining garden may be the following. Water still pools on the surface two days after a rainfall. When you walk acro...

How can I tell if my float switch pump is having issues

Yeap sometimes although we use the same pump over and over again we sometimes have issues. The pumps we use are fantastic value for money and on th...

Fence panel just blown away?

Well if Storm Ciara has just removed your entire fence or just a few panels you can order both closed board and waneylap we will come to your house...

Flooded Garden

Its a path you can see that starts at the rear gate to this house in wilmslow and is impassible due to the flooding of the garden which happens eve...

When you may need a float switch pump

If you have large puddles forming in areas with no access to drainage then it may be time to invest in a float switch pump. Although you could just...

FREE CCTV first stop to prevent flooding

Worried about what might be happening with your drains with the large amount of rainfall at this time of year we would recommend CCTV to ensure you...